CEA, through its public notice dated 2nd November 2021 has proposed the modification and deletion of certain data formats. PEG comments offer specific suggestions on the formats related to captive consumption, metering and reliability. In addition, the comments highlight that the formats proposed for deletion of formats should be reconsidered as many of the formats capture:

  • critical data not captured by other agencies
  • crucial data which is available but not compiled or consolidated by other agencies
  • data in a more comprehensive manner than by other agencies or in other formats

Since CEA has the expansive mandate under the Electricity Act to collect data from all those engaged in generation, transmission, distribution trading and use of electricity, it is best based to capture critical trends in a fast changing sector with multiple players and changing market structure. Thus CEA should undertake a comprehensive exercise to:

  • streamline existing data formats to reduce duplication and ease filing by agencies
  • modify and add formats to reflect changing nature of the sector and capture trends in storage applications, renewable energy integration, market procurement etc.
  • exercise penal powers to ensure compliance by various agencies
  • ensure public reporting of data collected by CEA in downloadable spreadsheet formats

Data collection by one agency can aid streamlining, harmonisation and standardisation. CEA can play that role and can collect data for various agencies in the sector as well.